Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is This Twitter Business?

I mean, I know what it is, I just hate it. I don't understand why people think it's entertaining. If you are a celebrity and you actually do interesting things every other hour of your life, then I can maybe accept that you have a twitter. But for everyone else, I don't care that you're eating Hawaiian barbecue right now, and I definitely don't care what your cat did this morning. "But Shawn, don't you have a twitter? Everyone loves your blog, but I wouldn't say your famous..." to that I say, Shut Up. For your information, I don't have a twitter.. anymore. I tried it out for a little while, I mean, I'm a pretty open person, but I soon realized it sucked. Needless to say, I deleted it. That little Twitter link on the right side does not work anymore. I really don't know why it's still there. Anyways, stop asking me to follow you on Twitter. That goes out to everyone. I can guarantee that I will not follow you on twitter, unless your Shaq, he's hilarious.

The Cataracs - Little Wayne Remix f/ Lil Wayne

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just Saying.

This was probably photoshopped by some overweight man, but I'm excited about it anyways.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

I Stepped, I Left and I Don't Regret Leaving.

I finally figured out why that girl was meowing. She was playing one of Neg's Urban Sports. Unfortunately for her, I'm too good.

Youtube won't let me embed the video so go watch it.

I honestly believe I'm going to start playing some of these.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Be Blogging.

Torren's here! Torren's here! Torren's here! This is so exciting. Without Torren I feel as lonely as a widowed trapeze artist with Alzheimer's. And that's the truth... with some cheese on it. Hey btw, Last Name Basis now has a tribute band. They have cleverly titled themselves "First Name Basis". I know, it's genius. They've already recorded their first video but it hasn't been uploaded yet, so you'll have to be patient. Deal with it.

Drake - Forever

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Friday, October 23, 2009

For Bonas

So, after my last post, this is a little awkward, but forgive me.

This was made by request for St. Bonaventure University in New York for their sustainability week.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Drink the Punch.

Alright so, recently some people talked me in to watching An Inconvenient Truth. I watched it. ...It sucked. I mean I understand what they were trying to do, but it's just a bad movie. On top of that, Al Gore lies and exaggerates things alllllll through out the movie. All these save the planet people are really starting to annoy me. I mean, I'm all about the planet. But if you REALLY want to save the planet, there's only one answer: commit suicide. Think about it, if all the humans are gone, there won't be anyone left to pollute the planet. Oh wait, all the methane gasses from cows would still be around. I guess we'd have to take them out with us. It'll be great. The world will live on forever. Until the sun explodes.

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Where You Been?

You guys are slacking. I haven't blogged in like a week, and none of you have bugged me about it. GET ON YOUR JOB. I honestly want you to annoy the poop out of me when I'm not blogging enough. Do it.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Protect Yo Self.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

The Time is Now.

This happened on facebook today.

So hey, let's make it happen.

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Some pretty cool things have happened on my blog recently.

1. I made my 200th post. (Applause)
This is actually kind of a big deal for me. There was a time there when I thought my blog was done. Then I realized that if I stopped blogging the world would probably cease to revolve around me, and start revolving around something stupid like, I don't know, the sun, and that's just not good enough for me. So I'm back, and I plan to continue blogging for a while. If I don't, constantly bug me. I need the motivation.
(You may be wondering what this picture has to do with 200 blog posts. I have no idea. I blame Google images.)

2. I made it to 10,000 views on my blog. Hooraaaaaaay.
It's always nice to know that people sometimes skim through the ridiculous thoughts that often come out of my head and onto the internet.

Living Legends - Night Powler f/ Slug

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Asian Girl Next to Me is Meow-ing.

It's been going on for about 5 minutes now. I really don't know what to do. Does she think I understand what she's saying(meowing)? Do I meow back? ...Should I bark? This is one of the creepier things that has happened to me in recent history. Almost as bad as watching my roommate skype with his girlfriend. Ew.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

THE Delta Eagle V

My Delta Eagle V shirt came today, I's so escited.

Atmosphere - Don't Ever Fucking Question That

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I Have New Followers.

I don't know who you are, but welcome.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to the Ground!

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Blogging in the Rain.

Yepp, it's raining in Santa Monica. Al Gore warned us this would happen. Global warming has won. But I have more important things than the well-being of our planet to talk about. I really need a new ukulele. The problem is I have no moneys. So buy a Team Shawn Washington shirt. I mean, its practically an investment. You can get tax deductions for it. Look it up. Now, some of you are going to say "I did look it up, and that's not true." And that's why I haven't been calling you back lately. Btw, there's nothing wrong with Victoria(my first and only ukulele) but we all have to move on eventually... right?

This guy's my hero.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Alone Time.

This is the third time this week that I've found myself home alone. I mean it's good cause atleast I've been able to get alot of blogging done, which obviously was desperately needed. But at the same time, being home alone sucks. Especially when there's no food. I've eaten way too many fun nuggets in the last 24 hours. Way too many. And it's cloudy today! What's that all about? I expect ATLEAST 100 dollars off my rent this month. I didn't get a house in Santa Monica so that I would have to wear a sweatshirt outside. Do better Mr. Landlord Man. Speaking of Mr. Landlord Man, I have still yet to meet him. I wonder what he's like. Actually, no, no I don't. Anyways, I'm off to do home alone things, like trying to learn how to cook from youtube videos. Exciting.

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Global Warming? - Nope.

I swear I don't hate Obama.

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Do You See Any Animatronic Animals in My Office Having a Pizza Party!?

I love this little kid.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Losing All Your Numbers Sucks.

Especially when it's not even your fault. T-mobile better be doing something amazing for their customers very soon.

Anyways, losing your numbers also sucks because people are stupid. I make a facebook group saying "Hey, I lost my numbers... give me yours." HELLA people join the group. Less than half actually give me their numbers. I don't understand. Why didn't you just ignore the group invitation? I bet they all own Macs. SO, if you are reading this and I have ever had your number, text me it right now. Go!

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*Nothing Happened*

Remember that Kid's Cover with Drue that I promised like 6 months ago? (if not click this.)

Bam bitches.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Ohhhh, I Get It!

So, our bodies are 70% water. What controls the water on our planet? THE MOON. We blow up part of the moon so that's it's effect on earths water will change and everyone will go crazy. That's the only possible explanation I could come up with for why Obama just won a Nobel Peace Prize. He's the President of a country that is currently at war. He's the President of a country that is currently at war. I typed that twice for dramatic effect. I don't understand how this happens. Apparently it's a lot easier to win a Nobel Peace Prize than I thought. I still don't get it though, I mean, I haven't been in a fight since like, 7th grade. Why didn't I get the Nobel Peace Prize? (I'm still a gangsta, don't try me.) Obama is like the P. Diddy of government, we're not really sure what he does, but we like him, and we keep giving him awards cause it just seems right. Let's be real though, nobody wears Sean John anymore. Take that, Take that.

Atmosphere - Guarantees

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Wait, No, Seriously?

Did we really just bomb the moon? I guess technically it does belong to the US, we stuck our flag there first, which obviously means we own it. Duh. But I mean still, everybody has to use it. That's pretty greedy America. I mean, what if the Kiribati Islands decided to bomb the sun? The sun rises there first, so obviously they own it. Of course they don't have the technology or the man power to perform such an operation but WHAT IF? Who do you even ask permission to bomb the moon? Was this put to a vote? WHO voted? There's so many different parts of this that just blow my mind... and my moon. HA get it? ...Sorry.

Anyways, when the Moontians strike back and destroy every living thing on Earth because they think they may be able to find Helium beneath the surface just remember...
P.S. I actually drew this, I plan to make shirts.

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So uh, my laptop died(RIP), and the only other computers in the house are Macs. Macs don't have Microsoft Paint cause they're stupid. That's right hipsters, I said it. Anyways, I make all of my pictures on MS Paint, and not having it around is really depressing. BUT, I just found a Mac copy-cat version of MS Paint that James Rainbow Riley was kind enough to let me download on his computer. Unfortunately it sucks. Well, it's alright, but it's weird and I don't like it. I'm going to try to use it and hopefully master it like I have done with MS Paint though. Hopefully I'll get a new laptop by the end of this month, but you know, like, a real one. PCs may get viruses but atleast I never have to ask "Does it work on macs?"

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Santa Monica Times.

So, I don't know if you know this, but I'm taking a softball class in school. Yeah... I know. Anyways, I just go in there and pretend like I'm taking everything extremely serious, which is why I was made the assistant coach of the team. No joke. I'm also in a band. No, not Last Name Basis. I'm in a school band, we're called "The Wind Machine." I'm the lead percussionist. Which means while everyone else is trying to figure out how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on their tuba, I'm sitting in the back of the class banging on the bass drum pretending I'm doing the score for a kung-fu movie.

I wanted to "photoshop" some cool pictures of me doing the above stated things but my laptop broke and macs are stupid. This is all you get.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The History of Last Name Basis.

Once upon a time, in a land far far from here- and when I say here, I mean wherever you're currently sitting, or standing (if you're one of those types)- in a land far far from here, there lived an awesome ukulelist, by the name of ShawnWashington. Anyone within earshot of his strum when he played his mighty chords would convert to the Nation of Islam instantaneously. He would travel around the cities, playing his melodies for all those who cared to listen... and even those who didn't. One day, a strapping young lyricist by the name of JamesRiley, was strolling down the very same street that Shawn was gracing with his instrumental display of beauty. As their eyes locked, the mighty Jobrim parted the clouds and shot beams of light down upon both of their bodies. Unfortunately, this explosion of pure energy proved too much for the galaxy to contain and both men spontaneously combusted into balls of confetti. After numerous reconstructive surgeries and months of rehabilitation, they joined forces again at the very same location they had previously met. Together, they made a pact to create the greatest, most powerful, most famed, most amazing, most incredible, most stupendous, most insane run-on sentence ever. They also thought it'd be pretty cool to form a band. They started off playing small venues, such as Hulk Hogan's birthday party, and R. Kelly's annual Kwanza celebration. They finally got their big break when they were asked to perform at the Soul Train Awards. Needless to say, they declined(due to religious beliefs). After a year long sabbatical in which they spent time diligently working on their music, they decided to return to their work... on their music. After years of successful tours, with thousands of groupies, and trillions of fans, they decided the next appropriate step in their band's ascension to greatness, was to create a low-budget MySpace page for you to view. And that, is where babies come from.

add our myspace!

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