Monday, December 14, 2009

People I Dislike.

People Who Now Hate Tiger Woods.

So he cheated on his wife. Okay. So now you don't like him? The only reason people liked Tiger Woods in the first place is because he's amazing at golf. Wait, this just in, HE'S STILL AMAZING AT GOLF. You have no reason to dislike him. I mean, he's always had an extremely dry personality, so don't try to tell me you "liked him as a person." It's possible that you only liked him cause he was black. Guess what? STILL BLACK. Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, and people still love him. Kobe Bryant still gets paid millions of dollars to play basketball, and as good as he is, Tiger Woods is 10 times better at golf. So go ahead, feel bad for his wife, that's fine, but when the next PGA Tour Championship comes around, there better not be any new Phil Mickelson fans.

Atmosphere - Millie Fell Off the Fire Escape


  1. I was going to do a post on this too , never got around to it though . haha

    Okay , so the other day I'm watching CNN & they are talking about how mad sponsors dropped Tiger .. For what ? It's like wow , you put him on because he was amazing at golf .. & last time I checked cheating on your wife does not effect those skills . It just pisses me off how people are making it out to be a big deal . What happened , happened & thats him & his families business . I don't see why everyone has to ride him for it .

    ha sorry , hadda vent .
